St Anne Mary's Primary School first took shape in 2015 following the purchase of a half hectare strip of land in Kafunjo village. Using earth and the first few bags of cement we were able to purchase, Bruno and his brother Robert began the Herculean task of making the 4000 mud bricks that one day would take the form the first 2 classroom block.
4 months later the first classroom stood and the first children were welcomed into their new school. In those early years we employed the village elders to lead the first lessons while our small army of supporters raised funds to begin the construction of additional classrooms.
In 2017 the school was formally registered with the Ugandan Ministry of Sports and Education and with continuing support we were able to employ full time registered teachers to take on the role of teaching the Ugandan National Curriculum which covered Maths, Science, Religious Studies, English and Social Studies.
Today we have 350 children, spread across 7 primary classes who receive free primary level education from a staff of 13 teachers.
We are extremely proud of the level of education that we provide with St Anne Mary's Primary receiving the highest Primary 7 exam grades in the sub-district in 2019.
In addition to academic studies we also encourage the children to pursue creative pursuits such as art, music and drama. Like many places across Africa, football is the most celebrated activity and Kafunjo is no different therefore Kafunjo now has its own football team (The Kafunjo Dream Team) which competes with other primary school teams across the district.
In addition to providing a high standard of education at the school, each child is also given a free school meal each day which consists of a bowl of "posho and beans", the celebrated Ugandan staple. The health of the children is also a high priority and therefore if a child becomes ill then we will endeavour to cover the medical costs whilst facilitating trips to the hospital.